Eid Presents for Sick Hospital Children

As part of this year’s Eid celebrations, the assistant Mufti of Tuzla Dr. Sead Seljubac, the main Imam of Tuzla Hafiz Ahmed Huskanović, Effendy Mumin Mumić, coordinator for social issues Mufti of Tuzla and representatives of the Association of families and friends of children suffering from leukemia and other malignant diseases “PIPOL” Tuzla visited the…

The World Bank team visited Clinical Center Tuzla

The World Bank team consisting of Nada Teodosijević, ICT specialist and Zlatan Šabić, senior operation officer visited University Clinical Center Tuzla today. The guests received the director of University Clinical Center Tuzla Ass. Prof. Nešad Hotić with his associates Sabina Tanović, director of Sector for Financial Affairs and Nihad Mešanović, director of Sector for Information…

Doctors from Clinical Center Tuzla on WoCoVA 2016

The 4th World Congress on Vascular Access WoCoVA 2016, which was held on 22-24 June in Lisbon , Portugal, gathered a large number of vascular access professionals from all disciplines from countries around the world ( Australia, the US, Canada, china, Japan, Iraq, india, Brazil, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Sweden, germanny, Switzerland, Czech Republic etc.).…