The 12th ENT School

The 12th ENT School organized by the Clinic for Ear, Throat, Nos, Surgery of the Neck and Head, University Clinical Center Tuzla was held on Saturday 5 November, 2022. The main theme of this year’s ENT School was rhinosinus surgery. The invited lecturers on this important medical event from the field were Prof. Dr. Aleksandar…

The Ultrasound School of the Neck

The Ultrasound School of the Neck organized by the University Clinical Center Tuzla and Tuzla Canton Medical Chamber took place in period 18 October – 4 November, 2022. Leader of the School was Prim. Dr. Izić Belkisa, specialist in nuclear medicine. Lecturers were eminent specialists in nuclear medicine and experienced diagnostic medical sonographers. Eighteen participants…

The 30th Danubian Psychiatric Symposium

The International 30th Danubian Psychiatric Symposium organized by the Danubian Psychiatric Association in cooperation with International Academy of Science and Arts in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Department for Medical Sciences, the University Clinical Center Tuzla – Clinic of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tuzla, Psychiatric Association of Tuzla Canton (PATC), Psychiatric Association of…

59th Abdominal Ultrasound School

The University Clinical Center Tuzla and the Tuzla Canton Medical Chamber are hosts of the 59th Abdominal Ultrasound School. The program of the four- week Abdominal School will start on 24 October, 2022. Ten participants of this year’s ultrasound school are coming from different health care facilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The leader of ultrasound…