Endoclip therapy in the gastroinetstinal tract

The endoscopic hemoclip method in interventional gastrointenstinal endoscopy is routinely used for managing bleeding, mostly from the proximal part of gastrointestinal tract. On Thursday, 16 June 2016, a team of doctors from University Clinical Center Tuzla for the first time performed interventional endoclipping method after colonic polypectomy. “Thanks to the purchase of rotatable clips, which…

Three stem cell transplants done at the Department of Hematology

During the 16 and 17 June 2016, the transplant team of the Department of Hematology, University Clinical Center Tuzla performed three hematopoietic stem cell transplants to treat cancer. Allogeneic transplantation from HLA-matched sibling (patient’s brother) was performed to a 53- year-old patient, who suffered from acute lymphoblastic leukemia and was hospitalized in Sarajevo. The patient…

Premier of the Tuzla Canton visits Clinical Center Tuzla

The Premier of the Tuzla Canton Mr. Bego Gutić visited the University Clinical Center today. The main theme of his meeting with the president of the Board of Directors Mrs. Munevera Bećarević and the director Ass. Prof. Nešad Hotić was the current state and future directions of the University Clinical Center Tuzla. A special focus…