Tuzla canton minister of health visits gradina

The final phase of thermal insulation upgrading of the UKC Tuzla oldest facility “Gradina” is currently underway. On that occasion, Dr Bahrudin Hadžiefendić, Minister of Health of the Tuzla Canton accompanied by Ass. Prof. Nešad Hotić, Director of the UKC Tuzla visited Gradina reconstruction site to inspect the ongoing works on installing new windows and…

Students of electrical engineering faculty visited UKC Tuzla

Today, the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Tuzla, visited University Clinical Center Tuzla. As part of the Faculty’s practice- based learning curriculum, a group of students paid a visit to the UKC Tuzla Sector for Information Technology and Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. Ass. Prof. Nihad Mešanović,BSc. Eng.…

Ribbon cutting opens renovated facilities of the department of cardiology

In the presence of numerous guest, media and employees, the University Clinical Center opened its renovated A and B Department of Cardiology and associated cabinets for ergometry, heart ultrasound, Holter monitor and outpatient ambulances through the symbolic ribbon-cutting ceremony. The project of the Department of Cardiology focuses on renovation of all patients’ rooms, sanitary facilities…