AbbVie donates 15 computers

Biopharmaceutical company AbbVie has donated 20.000 BAM worth computers to the University Clinical Center Tuzla.This valuable donation will certainly speed up and improve workflow at the Clinics where computers are to be installed. During the handover ceremony, director of Clinical Center Tuzla thanked for the donation and reminded that at the beginning of this year…

Clinic for Neurology marks World Stroke Day, 2017

The Clinic for Neurology, University Clinical Center Tuzla organized a press conference on the occasion of World Stroke Day, 2017.The press conference is organized for the purposes of distributing quality information to the media and public about the importance of timely recognition of stroke signs and symptoms and early treatment. According to Prof. Dr. Dževdet…

Hand replantation

Since the first replantation surgery in 2011, the team of surgeons from the Clinic for plastic and maxillofacial surgery, University Clinical Center Tuzla has successfully reattached twenty fingers and two complete hands. According to Ass. Prof. Mufid Burgić, specialist in plastic surgery, the last replantation surgery at the Clinic was done in 33- year- old…

World Arthritis Day, 12 October

The WHO proclaimed the years 2000-2010 as the Bone and Joint Decade . It is a global alliance promoting musculoskeletal health. World Arthritis Day on 12 October is a part of the Bone and Joint Decade Action Week which occurs each year in October. Rheumatoid arthritis is considered an autoimmune disease in which the immune…