Baby- Friendly Hospital Initiative accreditation

Based on a recommendation after an external evaluation for accreditation of hospitals within the project Baby- Friendly Hospitals Initiative, the Accreditation Committee of the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Accreditation in the FBiH (AKAZ) has established that the University Clinical Center Tuzla, Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics successfully meets 100% of requirements to receive a…

Road reconstruction finished

The works of redoing the asphalt pavement on the road that leads from the intersection at Trnovac cemetery towards the main entrance of the University Clinical Center Tuzla are done during the weekend. All the works are finished according to dynamic plan, and the road was opened on the late Saturday afternoon. This 150- meter…

The UKC Tuzla road reconstruction

The reconstruction of the road which leads from the intersection at Trnovac cemetery towards the main entrance of the University Clinical Center Tuzla, in a length of 150 meters, has started recently. The road reconstruction is expected to create the conditions for better, faster and safer traffic communication for patients and employees. The current reconstruction…

Baby- Friendly Hospital Initiative accreditation

The appraisal team by the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Accreditation in the FBiH (AKAZ) that carry out an external evaluation for accreditation of hospitals within the project Baby- Friendly Hospitals Initiative are visiting the Clinic of Gynecology of Obstetricion, University Clinical Center Tuzla. During the stay, they will evaluate the BFHI accreditation standards in…