Press release

On Thursday, 23 February 2017, at 13:00 hours will be held the grant handover ceremony by BH Telecom to the University Clinical Center Tuzla and Health Center Brčko. The press conference will be addressed by director of Clinical Center Tuzla Ass. Prof. Nešad Hotić, Fuad Čibukčić, president of the Supervisory Board BH Telecom, Muamer Hadžović,…

Clinical internship program for students

Students of the twelfth semester of the Medical faculty, University of Tuzla start their undergraduate clinical internship program, which is corresponding to the internship program for doctors of medicine specified by the competent Federal Ministry. Currently, this clinical internship lasts six months in a teaching settings affiliated with the Medical faculty, University of Tuzla such…

BH Telecom donates funds to purchase medical equipment

Last year in October, the Management Board of BH Telecom JSC Sarajevo isuued a public notice of grant award for hospitals and public soup kitchens. In accordance with applications submitted, the University Clinical Centre Tuzla will be granted with 167. 500,00 BAM for the purchase of electromyoneurography EMNG apparatus, the operating table, and the apparatus…