Press release

The Second Symposium on Neonatology “The Day for a Newborn” The University Clinical Center Tuzla and the Association of Pediatricians in BiH are organizing the Second Symposium on Neonatology to be held on Friday, 12 May 201, in Hotel Mellain Tuzla, beginning at 10 a.m. The Symposium will provide a thematic program with topics organized…

The Third Allergy Symposium

The Third Allergy Symposium organized by the University Clinical Center Tuzla,Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases in cooperation with the Association of Respiratory Medicine BiH, the Tuzla Canton Medical Chamber, and under the auspices of the Tuzla Canton Government, was successfully held today. The main themes of the Symposium were related to the epidemiology of allergic diseases,…

Round table “Fight antibiotic resistance- It’s in your hands”

On the occasion of World Hand Hygiene Day, the University Clinical Center Tuzla hosted a round- table discussion on the subject “Fight antibiotic resistance- It’s in your hands”. The lecturers of the round- table spoke about hand hygiene in health care facilities, antimicrobial resistance, sepsis, nosocomial infections in intensive care unions, and strategies to prevent…