the Plaque for successful cooperation and support

On February 20, 2018 Radio Television of the Tuzla Canton hosted a solemn event dedicated to the 25th Anniversary. During reception, the guests had an opportunity to see a brief overview of the history and the development of this television, which since 20 February 1993 up today has broadcasted more than nine thousand informative TV…

H1N1 press conference

Yesterday, representatives of the Public Health Institute of the Tuzla Canton held a press conference on the occasion of the current epidemic situation in the Tuzla Canton. The press conference attended Dr. Bahrudin Hadžiefendić,Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Sead Ahmetagić, Head of the Clinic for Infectious Diseases Clinical Center Tuzla and Ass. Prof. Maida Mulić,…

International Childhood Cancer Day- Roundtable discussion

On the occasion of International Childhood Cancer Day, the Society “Heart for the children suffering from cancer” has organized a roundtable on the theme “Psychosocial support for children and families of children suffering from cancer”. The participants of the roundtable were doctors and nurses/technicians from the Department of Hematology and Oncology, the representatives from the…

The direcor the Institute for Health Insurance and Reinsurance of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina visits Clinical Center Tuzla

The director of the Institute for Health Insurance and Reinsurance of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ass. Prof. Vlatka Martinović M.D. and her deputy Dževad Hamzić, BEc paid a visit to the University Clinical Center Tuzla. The guests were received by Ass. Prof. Nešad Hotić director, Ass. Prof. Fahrija Skokić medical director, Sabina Tanović,…