The 11th ENT School in Tuzla

The Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic of University Clinical Center Tuzla organizes a two- day Professor Jastreboff’s Course within the Tuzla’s ENT School. The course will be held 3-4- September, 2018 under the theme ” “Tinnitus and decreased sound tolerance: current status and future trends”. Prof. Dr. Pawel Jastreboff, developer of the renowned Tinnitus Retraining…

The Fourth School of Obstetric Anesthesia

A non- profit organization Kybele in cooperation with the University Clinical Center Tuzla, Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics are organizing the Fourth School of Obstetric Anesthesia to be held in the period 2- 6 September 2018. In addition to practical training, on September 4, beginning at 2p.m., the participants of a four -day school will…