First day of the Congress of Physical Medicine

The solemn opening ceremony of the 7th Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation took place last night in the Hotel Mellain. The president of the Association of Physiatrists of the Federation BiH and the president of the organizing committee Prof. Dr. Mirsad Muftić in his welcome remarks announced…

World Heart Day,2018

This year, the Clinic for Invasive Cardiology, University Clinical Center Tuzla is joining global World Heart Day 2018 campaign, with aim to raise awareness awareness about cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke. On that occasion, health professionals from the Clinic for Invasive Cardiology are organizing activities like measuring blood pressure for citizens, public awareness…

Press conference- the 7th Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation

The Association of doctors in physical medicine and rehabilitation of the Federation B&H and the Association of doctors in physical medicine and rehabilitation of Republika Srpska are organizing the 7th Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation. This congress will be held in the period 27-30 September, 2018, in…

The 8th Congress of Cardiology / the 4th Congress of Working Group of Nurses/Technicians in Cardiovascular Medicine of B&H

The 8th Congress of Cardiology and the 4th Congress of Working Group of Nurses/Technicians in Cardiovascular Medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina was held during September 20-23, 2018 in Hotel Hills, Sarajevo. The Congress attended more than 500 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also from the region and the world. This Congress provided the opportunity…

Delegation from the University Children’s Hospital Tiršova visited Clinical Center Tuzla

Today, a delegation from the University Children’s Hospital Tiršova paid a visit to the University Clinical Center Tuzla. The delegation consisting of Prof.Dr. Slobodan Ilić, head of the department for children’s cardiosurgery, Dr. Milan Vučićević, head of the department for cardioanesthesia and cardiointensive care and therapy, Nikša Knežević, medical coordinator and Marko Pajić, a perfusionist…