Press conference- European Immunisation Week , 24- 30 April, 2019

The Clinic for Children’s Diseases, University Clinical Center Tuzla hosted a press conference on the occasion of European Immunisation Week 2019. Prof. Dr. Fahrija Skokić, medical director and president of the Pediatric Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ass. Prof. Edin Husarić, MD, head of the Clinic for Children’s Diseases, Ass. Prof. Almira Ćosićkić MD, chief…

Information for citizens

Due to unfavorable epidemiological situation that was related to this season’s flu outbreak, the University Clinical Center Tuzla restricted the citizens from visiting hospitalized patients. As of today, 17 April 2019, general visiting hours on most units are from Monday to Friday 15 to 17 hours, on weekends and holidays 13 to 17 hours.  

The 7th Congress of nurses/technicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation has ended

The 7th Congress of nurses/technicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation that took place 11-14 April, 2019 in Tuzla has been concluded successfully. The Congress was organized by the University Clinical Center Tuzla and the Tuzla Canton Medical Chamber, under the auspices of the Tuzla Canton Government and Ministry of Health. This multidisciplinary nursing…

The 6th School of proximal gastrointenstinal endoscopy

The Clinic for Internal Medicine, University Clinical Center Tuzla and the Tuzla Canton Medical Chamber are hosts of the 6th School of proximal gastrointenstinal endoscopy. The leaders of this diagnostic school are Prof. Dr. Ervin Alibegović and Prof. Dr.. Nermin Salkić. The program of this year’s school has been developed according to the European Society…