New pediatric surgical technique

The pediatric surgery team from the Clinic for Children’s Diseases has recently performed percutaneous internal ring suturing, the PIRS, a simple minimally invasive technique for inguinal hernia repair in children. On the occasion Ass. Prof. Edin Husarić, pediatric surgeon and head of the Clinic for Children’s Diseases explained that the advantages of using the PIRS…

Information for citizens

Due to unfavorable epidemiological situation that was related to this season’s flu outbreak, the University Clinical Center Tuzla restricted the citizens from visiting hospitalized patients. We kindly ask our citizens for understanding and cooperation in this respect.

Course on cardiac ultrasound in Clinical Center Tuzla

The course on cardiac ultrasound organized by the University Clinical Center Tuzla and the Tuzla Canton Medical Chamber started today. This form of medical training is designed to increase participants’ knowledge, skill and ability to safely and efficiently use cardiac ultrasound equipment, and to perform and interpret echocardiograms independently. Under the expert supervision all participants…

Stop Cervical Cancer 2020

On the occasion of Cervical Cancer Prevention Week campaign, the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Clinical Center Tuzla together with the Association of Gynecologists and Perinatologists of the Tuzla Canton joined the campaign and planned health promotion learning activities in the period 27 to 31 January, 2020, for the Tuzla Canton citizens. This year’s…