International Epilepsy Day, 26 March 2021

Since 2008, International Epilepsy Day “Purple Day” has been celebrated on 26th of March around the world. During all these years the emphasis has been on education and raising epilepsy awareness in the community under slogan “ By spreading knowledge on epilepsy, we eliminate fear and stigma”. Dr. Larisa Kovačević, head of the Department of…

COVID-19 vaccination distribution

Prof. Dr. Vahid Jusufović, director of the University Clinical Center Tuzla received his first dose of the coronavirus vaccine on Monday. In his earlier statement our director said that priority in vaccination distribution process will have medical staff engaged in the red COVID zone. In order to advocate COVID-19 vaccination and immunization for both medical…

COVID- 19 vaccination has started in Clinical Center Tuzla

Vaccination with the first doses of AstraZeneca COVID- 19 vaccine has started today at the University Clinical Center Tuzla. The first vaccine was administered to Dr. Jasmina Bošnjić from the COVID Department of the Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases. ” I have been working with the Covid-19 positive patients since the outbreak of pandemic, and this…

Meeting on energy efficiency measures in Clinical Center Tuzla

The representatives of the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning and consulting company Enova d.o.o. were in a working meeting in the University Clinical Center Tuzla yesterday. Our guests received director of the University Clinical Center Tuzla Prof. Dr. Vahid Jusufović with his associates. A central theme of the meeting was implementation of energy efficiency measures…