New device for caloric vestibular test

The Clinic for Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases and Head and Neck Surgery, University Clinical Center Tuzla is in the process of buying new medical equipment. A new device ATMOS Varioair is used for “dry” thermal examination of the vestibular organ by means of air. Its precise temperature control, as well as the correct dose…

The Fifth Ultrasound School of the Neck

The Fifth Ultrasound School of the Neck organized by the University Clinical Center Tuzla and Tuzla Canton Medical Chamber will take place in period 8- 15 October, 2021. The Sector for scientific research and education of Clinical Center Tuzla is in charge of the organization and coordination of activities related to this year’s ultrasound training.…

We announce

The International Symposium ” What have we learnt on COVID-19 pandemic consequences” The International Academy of Sciences and Arts in Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the University Clinical Center Tuzla and the Association of Psychiatrists of Tuzla Canton are hosting an International Symposium with the central theme” What have we learnt on COVID-19 pandemic…