Donation of two ultrasound devices

On Friday, the Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Clinical Center Tuzla received a valuable donation of two ultrasound devices. The donation financed the Government of Tuzla Canton with the United Nation Development Program assistance (the UNDP). In speaking to the press during the handover director Ass. Prof. Alen Kamerić thanked for the donation…

The Croatian expert visits Clinic for Neurology

Prof. Dr. Branko Malojčić , head of TIA Clinic and Outpatient Department of University Hospital Center Zagreb paid a professional visit to Clinic for Neurology, University Clinical Center Tuzla. The aim of visit was to exchange experiences in outpatient department workflow management, scientific research cooperation and training in transcranial Doppler ultrasonography. Prof. Dr. Branko Malojčić…

Digital radiography machine donated

Today, the Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Clinical Center Tuzla received a valuable donation- the digital radiography machine. The donation was realized through the UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the financial resources provided the Tuzla Canton Government. The director of Clinical Center Tuzla Ass. Prof. Alen Kamerić thanked for the donation and said:…

Cardiosurgery ICU expansion

The reconstruction and adaptation works in the Intensive Care Unit, Clinic for Cardiovascular Surgery are done. New medical gass system installations, outlet points for oxygen, vacuum and air, and additional five units are placed in a newly- renovated facility. The Intensive Care Unit is now equipped with high-tech medical devices. The necessity for expansion of…