4D Echocardiography at Clinical Center Tuzla

The Clinic for Internal Medicine, University Clinical Center Tuzla is equipped with a 4D ultrasound machine to help patients with heart disease. It is an advanced ultrasound machine for a non- invasive test that creates images of the heart. Dr. Elnur Smajić, MSc., head of the Department for Cardiology explained that the new 4D echo…

The 50th Anniversary of the journal Acta Medica Salinana

By publishing special double issue, the official, peer- reviewed medical journal of the University Clinical Center Tuzla Acta Medica Saliniana 2022, Volume 52, marked its 50the anniversary in a modest way. For 50 years, the journal Acta Medica Salinana has been continuously published news and research results from the world of medicine and other related…

February 11, World Day of the Sick

February 11, World Day of the Sick, was an opportunity for representatives and volunteers of the Red Cross Tuzla to mark the occasion by arranging special visit to the Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases, University Clinic of Tuzla. Their visit included sharing gifts to our patients suffering from illnesses and undergoing hospital treatments. “It is a…

“PIPOL” and “Aladin” visited little patients at the Department of Hematology and Oncology

On the occasion of International Childhood Cancer Day, February 15, the Society of families and friends of children suffering and treated from leukemia and other malignant diseases “PIPOL” together with the preschool children from kindergarten “Aladin” visited little patients hospitalized at the Department of Hematology and Oncology, Clinic for Children’s Diseases, the University Clinical Center…

The 14th annual Days of BHAAAS in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Bosnian-Herzegovinian American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS) is the organizer of the 14th annual Days of BHAAAS in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The University Clinical Center Tuzla will be the co- organizer of this largest annual scientific and educational conference in Bosnia and Herzegovina which will be held in period 1-4 June, 2023. Tuzla…