Press Release: Temporary Reduction in Planned Operating Program at University Clinical Center Tuzla

Public Health Institution University Clinical Center Tuzla notifies patients that from May 7 to May 10, 2024, there will be a temporary reduction in the planned operating program due to routine maintenance of anesthesia machines at the Clinic for Anesthesiology and Reanimation. However, emergency procedures, operations for oncology patients, the elderly, children, and other sensitive…

Continuous Education and Scientific Research: A Commitment of Clinical Center Tuzla

Today, Professor Dr. Šekib Umihanić, Director of the University Clinical Center Tuzla, engaged in discussions regarding continuous education and scientific research alongside Assoc. Professor Zlatan Mehmedović, Head of the Clinic for Surgery, and Professor Dr. Samir Delibegović, President of the Association of Endoscopic Surgeons. The purpose of the meeting is to explore collaboration opportunities between…

A Meeting with Representatives of the Bosnian Advocacy Center Organization

Professor Dr. Šekib Umihanić , the Director of the University Clinical Center Tuzla, welcomed representatives from the non-governmental organization ‘Bosnian Advocacy Center,’ including President Ismail Ćidić and member Alma Begić. During the discussion, representatives from the ‘Bosnian Advocacy Center’ emphasized the organization’s focus on collaborating with international institutions. They expressed their interest in establishing cooperation…

Education and Innovating Therapeutic Approaches: The Mission of the Clinic for Eye Diseases

Assoc. Prof. Lala Ćeklić, serves as an expert associate at the University Clinic for Eye Diseases Bern in Switzerland. She is a distinguished member of several prestigious medical societies including the European Association of Retinologists, the American Ophthalmological Association, the Serbian Medical Society, and the Society of Ophthalmologists of the Republic of Srpska. She is…

The Director of the State Regulatory Authority for Radiation and Nuclear Safety paid a professional visit to Clinical Center Tuzla

Prof. Dr. Šekib Umihanić, director of the University Clinical Center Tuzla, organized a thematic meeting to conduct an in- depth analysis of the current status of radiation equipment. Discussions revolved around servicing of existing equipment and the potential acquisition of a new linear accelerator. In attendance were Ivan Lasić, director of the State Regulatory Agency…