Head of the clinic: Ass. Prof. Mustafa Tabaković M.D.
Head nurse: Hatidža Haračić, graduated nurse
Technician for quality improvement and education: Anes Hadžiefendić, MSci in health sciences
Telephone: 00 387 35 303 167
00 387 35 303 154
fax.00 387 35 303 172
e-mail: info@ukctuzla.ba
The clinic is consisted of three departments with 29 beds in total, Polyclinic for cardiovascular surgery and two operating rooms
- Highly differentiated and tertiary health care services for patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system
- Secondary health care services for patients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system
- Modern cardiovascular surgery
- Scientific research, education, organization and participation at scientific events
- Department for cardiosurgery
- Department for vascular surgery
- Department for intensive therapy and cardiac anesthesia
- Admission outpatient clinic
- Outpatient clinic for cardiovascular surgery
- Outpatient clinic for cardiac anesthesia
The clinic for cardiovascular diseases has 69 employees:
17 doctors:
3 subspecialists in cardiosurgery and vascular surgery
1 specialist in cardiovascular surgery
6 specialists in anesthesia with resuscitation
1 subspecialist in cardiology
6 doctors on specialization
1 medical doctor
3 professors
1 assistant professor
3 doctors with master’s thesis
5 primariuses
51 nurses/technicians
1 with master9s thesis in health sciences
17 graduated nurses/technicians
1 nurse with a higher nursing school
32 nurses/technicians with nursing school
1 stationery clerk
Head of the department for cardiosurgery:
Primarius Prof. Dr. Harun Avdagić,M.D., specialist in general surgery, subspecialist in cardiosurgery and vascular surgery
Head of the department for vascular surgery:
Primarius Prof. Dr. Dragan Piljić, M.D., specialist in general surgery, subspecialist in cardiosurgery and vascular surgery
Doctors: Primarius Dr. Azur Azabagić MSci, specialist in general surgery, subspecialist in cardiosurgery and vascular surgery; Dr. Mediha Selesković, specialist in internal medicine, subspecialist in cardiology; Dr. Nail Šehić on a residency ; Dr. Tarik Bakalović on a residency;
Dr. Amar Skakić on a residency ; Dr. Mirza Tokić on a residency; Dr. Ajdin Umihanić.
Nurse in charge of the department for cardiosurgery: Emira Prlja, graduated nurse
Telephone: +387 35 303 214, 303 149, 303 164, 303 149, 303 164, 303 147
Nurse in charge of the department for vascular surgery: Sandra Hadžibegić, graduated nurse
Telephone: +387 35 303 214, 303 149, 303 164, 303 149, 303 164, 303 147
Health care services:
Conservative treatment of patients suffering from diseases of the vascular system
Surgery in patients with disease/injuries of blood vessels
- femoropopliteal bypass/reconstruction
- aortobifemoral bypass/reconstruction
- iliofemoral bypass/reconstruction
- femorodistal bypass/reconstruction
- carotid subclavian bypass/reconstruction
- surgery of aneurysm of the abdominal aorta and other main arteries (except intracranial)
- surgery of carotid artery stenosis
- aneurysmectomy
- embolectomy
- endovasular treatment of carotid artery
- reconstruction of blood vessels after injury
- insertion/closure of AV fistula
- surgery of varicose veins
Surgery in patients to treat coronary heart heart and large blood vessels:
- CABG- coronaroartery bypass graft
- CABG with carotid artery surgery
- Valve replacement
- Valve repair
- Replacement of one valve and repair of one valve
- CABGs with valve replacement or repair
- Dissection/aneurysm of ascending aorta or aortic arch
- Bentall procedure
- Tumors of the heart
- Ventricular aneurysm
- Replacement of the ascending aorta and aortic arch
- Surgical closure of ASD or VSD
Postoperative care of patients with rehabilitation
Continuous education of health care professionals in cardiovascular surgery
Head of the department: Primarius Prof. Dr. Alisa Krdžalić, specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation
Doctors: Primarius Dr.Mirsada Selimović, specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation ; Dr. Almir Kusturica, specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation; Dr. Lejla Selimović-Čeke MSci, specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation; Dr. Adnan Behrem, specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation, Dr. Ema Tahto, on a residency; Dr. Maida Sarajčić, on a residency.
Technician in charge: Jasmin Trumić, graduated technician
Telephone: +387-35-303-353; 303-156; 303 254; 303 138
Preopertive evaluation and assessment of the patient prior to varios types of elective and urgent cardio and vascular surgery
Preoperative treatment in severe congestive heart failure
Treatment in urgent cardiovascular conditions
Implementation of basic and advanced steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in life- threatening conditions
Anesthesia in cardiosurgery with and without use of cardiopulmonary bypass
Non- neuraxial anesthesia/analgesia in cardiovascular surgery
Preoperative procedures related to performance and monitoring of (DHCA)
Preoperative invasive and non invasive monitoring of patients
Preoperative and postoperative invasive hemodynamic diagnostics and therapy
Preoperative and postoperative collection and conservation of blood (cell salvage)
postoperative intensive therapy and care with the application of a highly sophisticated therapeutic and diagnostic procedures: continuous hemodynamic monitoring of the patient; fiberoptic diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy, percutaenous tracheostomy, implantation of a temporary pace maker; placement and monitoring of an intraaortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP); protection from brain damage; the use of barbiturate- induced coma; postoperative transfusion
Nurse in charge:Melika Mujabašić, graduated nurse
Nurses: Sadeta Okanović, graduated nurse; Edina Husejnović, a nurse
Doctor: according to schedule
Telephone: +387 35 303 153
Working hours: urgent patients 24hours/7 days of week
Elective patients: admissions from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. (Monday to Friday)
Outpatients from 9 a.m. to 12 noon (Monday to Friday);On Fridays, follow- ups of patients who underwent surgery and emergency patients
Admission of elective and urgent patients
First and subsequent follow- ups by a cardiovascular surgeon
Dressing/stitches removal
Treatment and admission of urgent patients
Accompanying urgent patient for further diagnostic procedures
Telephone: +387 35 303 212; 303 211
Scrub nurse in charge: Nermina Džambić, graduated nurse
Anesthesia technician in charge: Dževdet Džambić, graduated technician
Perfusionist: Almir Bundić, graduated technician
- Osnovni principi anestezije i intenzivnog liječenja. Alisa Krdžalić i suradnici, OFF set, Tuzla, 2016. god
- Pneumotoraks, klinički oblici liječenje. Goran Krdžalić i suradnici, Ars grafika, Tuzla, 2011. god