Head of the Clinic: Prof. Dr. Svjetlana Mujagić
Phone: +387 35 303 532/590
Head engineer of the Clinic: Osmanović Jasmin, a radiological engineer
Phone: +387 35 303 510
Secretary: Mirjana Habul
Phone: +387 35 303 504
Quality improvement and education
Phone: +387 35 303 554
Technician in charge nuclear medicine: 303 359; 8am- 14 pm
Technician in charge interventional radiology: 303 591; 8am- 14 pm
Center for Breast- information desk: 303 381; 8am- 14 pm
Standard radiology- information desk: 303 521; noon- 14 pm
CT MRI- information desk: 303 528; noon- 14 pm
Nuclear medicine- information desk: 303 313; noon- 14 pm
Interventional radiology- angiography: 3030 591; noon- 14 pm
E- mail: info@ukctuzla.ba
- Department for diagnostic radiology
- Department for interventional radiology
- Department for nuclear medicine
The departments according to diagnostic modalities:
- Department of Thoracic Radiology and Ultrasound Diagnostics
- Department of Musculosceletal Radiology
- Department of Gastrointestinal Radiology
- Department of Breast Diseases Diagnostics
- Department of Neurodiagnostics
- Department of Interventional Radiology
- Department of Nuclear Medicine
1.Computed tomography (CT) is a non invasive procedure that provides the most detailed and reliable imaging information to diagnose disease. As a fast and efficient imaging mthod CT plays a vital role in medicine.
2. Gastrointestinal radiology diagnostics
3. Native radiography
4. Ultrasound diagnostics is a non- invasive diagnostic procedure that uses high- frequency sound waves to image inside the body.
5. Bone density scan is a non- invasive method that uses a small doses of ionazing radiation to measure bone mineral density.
6. Contrast imaging of the urinary tract, intravenous urography uses a radiopaque contrast agent given through a vain to provide an x- ray image of the kidneys and urinary tract (ureter, bladder and urethra). It is used to diagnose various pathological processes and condition of the urinary tract ( tumors, stones, congenital anomalies, chronic inflammatory changes, an interrupted urine stream, enlargement of the prostate gland).
7. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a type of diagnostic test that can create detailed images of nearly every structure and organ inside the body. It is completely painless and safe non- invasive examination, both for the patient and the medical staff performing the procedure.
8. Angiography, an invasive diagnostic examination of coronary arteries in hospitalized patients.
9. Endovascular coil embolization of an unruptured and ruptured intracranial aneurysms in hospitalized patients.
10. Phlebography, an invasive diagnostic examination of blood vessels that involves injecting water- soluble contrast.
11. CT angiography is a radiological diagnostic non- invasive procedure for arteries and veins imaging. Contrast media injected into the bloodstream helps the computer “see” the vessels.
12. Color Doppler sonography is an ultrasound examination that shows the direction and speed of blood moving through arteries and veins.
13. Radiological protection: confirmation of patient’s identification- ionizing radiation, radiation protection of health professionals, medical and legal aspects of exposure to ionizing radiation, protection of patient- pregnant woman, nursing mother and children, keeping records related to work with sources of ionizing radiation, safety procedures for patients undergoing radiodiagnostic procedures.
1. Performing all procedures nuclear- medical “in vitro” and “in vivo”.
2. Radioactive iodine therapy used to treat an overactive thyroid and certain types of thyroid cancer.
3. Aspiration puncture of the thyroid gland, neck and supraclavicular pits with a fine needle (fine- needle aspiration biopsy FNAB).
4. Scintigraphy, also known as a gamma scan, is a diagnostic test in nuclear medicine ( kidney dynamics and statics, bone scintigraphy, thyroid scintigraphy, PHT scintigraphy).
5. Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland. It is a painless method. Ultrasound probes emit a high- frequency sound waves. As the waves penetrate the body, sound echoes are generated from the body’s fluids and tissues due to (diffuse) reflection and scattering. The probe receives reflected waves and a computer use those waves to create an image of the gland and the examined surrounding tissue, structures of the neck and lymph nodes. At the same time it is safe procedure as there is no ionizing or radioactive radiation.
6. CT or scintigraphy procedures
7. Examination and specialist’s opinion “in vitro” and “in vivo”.